Dark Mode

Refund Object

Refund Life Cycle

startedWhen you create a refund, it is in started state. It stays in this state till it gets approved
approvedRefund created is approved for further processing
rejectedThe refund has been rejected
doneThe refund has been successfully completed
requestedRefund request has been send to the provider and and the refund will be processed by them

Refund Entity

idstring The unique identifier of Payment Refund
ref_idstring The refund reference id
amountstring The refund amount requested
statusstring The status of Payment
refund_typestring Refund type: normal or instant
statusstring The status of refund
created_atinteger Indicates the Unix timestamp when this refund was created
updated_atinteger Indicates the Unix timestamp when this refund was updated
approved_atinteger Indicates the Unix timestamp when this refund was approved
sourcestring Indicates the source of refund
customer_objectjson object Indicates the customer information