Dark Mode

Response Code and Response Message


In general, there are two types of response to a request in SNAP, Successful and Failed. Successful response is indicated with HTTP code of 2xx while 4xx and 5xx indicates error (from client side or server/Durianpay side).

Please refer to table below for list of Response Code, Response Message, and its meaning.

Successful Response

HTTP CodeService CodeCase CodeResponse MessageDescription
202any00Request In ProgressTransaction still on process

Error Response

HTTP CodeService CodeCase CodeResponse MessageDescription
400any00Bad RequestGeneral request failed error, including message parsing failed.
400any01Invalid Field Format {field name}Invalid format
400any02Invalid Mandatory Field {field name}Missing or invalid format on mandatory field
401any00Unauthorized [reason]General unauthorized error (No Interface Def, API is Invalid, Oauth Failed, Verify Client Secret Fail, Client Forbidden Access API, Unknown Client, Key not Found, Invalid Signature)
401any01Invalid Token (B2B)Token found in request is invalid (Access Token Not Exist, Access Token Expiry)
401any03Token Not Found (B2B)Token not found in the system. This occurs on any API that requires token as input parameter
403any00Transaction ExpiredTransaction expired
403any18Inactive Card/Account/CustomerIndicates inactive account
404any01Transaction Not FoundTransaction not found
404any11Invalid Card/Account/Customer [info]/Virtual AccountCard information may be invalid, or the card account may be blacklisted, or Virtual Account number may be invalid.
409any00ConflictCannot use same X-EXTERNAL-ID in same day
409any01Duplicate partnerReferenceNoTransaction has previously been processed indicates the same partnerReferenceNo already success
500any00General ErrorGeneral Error
500Any01Internal Server ErrorUnknown Internal Server Failure, Please retry the process again
504any00TimeoutTimeout from the issuer