Accept payments in your website, app OR get started with NO CODE integration
Durianpay helps businesses to accept online payments with its fully integrated payments stack covering multiple payment methods using multiple integration choices, which are:
Not Ready to Integrate Yet? If you are unsure about integrating with Durianpay payments platform as of now, you can use Payment links. Using this you can just create payment links which you can share with your customers over chat or social media. Durianpay offers several solutions using which you can accept payments without integrating or using any code.
Login to Durianpay dashboard, go to settings and generate sandbox mode API Keys in sandbox mode and start integrating with Durianpay using those API key and simulate transaction in sandbox mode.
View simulated transaction – order, payment, settlement and refund in Durianpay dashboard
Switch to production whenever ready and start accepting payments using Durianpay
💡 Fastest way to get started - you can use the pre-built Durian checkout for quickly integrating Durianpay with your website and start accepting payments.
There are multiple integration options to get you started with Durianpay payments platform.
These sample use cases does not limit how you could fit the integration-type with your own unique requirement. You can get creative and go beyond those sample use case, and invent your own use case for that type of integration.