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Request Header


Each SNAP Request requires specific header value. There are 2 kind of header for reqeuests, to generate B2B Access Token, and Transaction (disbursement, payment, etc)

Refer to the next section on how to generate X-Signature

B2B Access Token Header

X-TIMESTAMPRequest timestampISO 8601 datetime
X-SIGNATURESecurity signatureBase64 encoded string
X-CLIENT-KEYMerchant identifier keyString
Content-TypeType of data being sentMIME type

Transaction Request Header

X-TIMESTAMPRequest timestampISO 8601 datetime
X-SIGNATURESecurity signatureBase64 encoded string
X-PARTNER-IDPartner identifierAlphanumeric string
X-EXTERNAL-IDUnique messaging reference identifier generated by merchant and should be unique within the same dayRandom Alphanumeric string
CHANNEL-IDChannel identifierNumeric string
Content-TypeType of data being sentMIME type
AuthorizationAuthorization tokenJWT (Started with 'Bearer ')