Platform-features > Dynamic-routing

Dynamic Routing

The term payment provider and payment rail will be used interchangeably in this documentation.

How Dynamic Routing Feature Can Help Your Business

Your business is growing and you start wondering about making sure it does not lose customers, especially when they are literally one step away from completing the payment.

Is it possible for my business to have flawless traffic of transactions?

While it may sound too good to be true, Durianpay’s Dynamic routing feature can definitely increase your chance of optimizing payment uptime through its ability to:

  • Set out default payment rail and portion of payment traffic to be processed through each payment rail and payment method according to your preference
  • Identify when the default payment rail is down before you are even aware of it
  • Automatically route transactions to alternative payment rail when the default payment rail is down

Use Cases

While Durianpay’s dynamic routing can help all businesses, below are some to inspire you:

Business ModelUse Case
Online marketplaceSuccessfully receive payments from customers even during high traffic of transaction
Quick commerceStart delivery countdown faster by allowing buyers to complete payments as quickly and as reliable as possible
Merchant aggregatorEnsure payment service reliability to the merchants as clients

Rules and Limitations

In order to use this feature, your business has to fulfill the following criteria:

  1. Merchant has at least 2 payment methods activated from different payment providers
  2. Merchant has agreed to the pricing scheme for payment methods from different payment providers

How Dynamic Routing Works

  1. Set out default payment rail and portion of payment traffic to be processed through each payment rail and payment method according to your preference

    If your business is already eligible for utilizing dynamic routing feature, Durianpay’s system will indicate the default payment rail for your transactions. Default rail will be used as the main rail for processing all your business transactions.

    If there is only one payment rail for a certain payment method that you are using through Durianpay, then this rail will automatically become the default rail. Aside from the default rail, you would be able to define the default portion of traffic to be processed through each active rail that has been integrated with your business.
  2. Identify when the default payment rail is down before you are even aware of it

    Durianpay’s dynamic routing feature is equipped with the ability to detect errors in payment rail before the impact reaches a larger part of your business transactions. As payment rails process transactions, the system actively applies an uptime monitoring tool. This tool observes symptoms of error at every certain time interval. Once the disturbance is identified, the system will prepare to gradually move the portion of transactions to another payment rail that is working fine.

    There are three main deciding factors to trigger a payment rail for a merchant:
    1. Current payment rail is not responding to the request
    2. The past success rate of the payment rail
    3. Uptime data of the payment rail
  3. Automatically route transactions to alternative payment rail when the default payment rail is down

    We will use an example to explain the scenario. Imagine there is a merchant called merchant A. Merchant A is using virtual account of Bank B from Durianpay, with the current payment rail from provider R1. Merchant A receives payment from customer C using virtual account of Bank B. When customer C is about to pay Merchant A, suddenly payment rail R1 is down. As this happens, dynamic routing feature will automatically switch the payment rail for virtual account of Bank B from payment rail R1 to another payment rail that is still working.

    The above scenario will be the case of when a merchant has exactly 2 payment providers. If a merchant has more than 1 backup payment method from different payment providers, Durianpay system will assign an alternative rail from a payment provider that is working fine.