Test & Go Live with SNAP

To go live with SNAP there are several additional steps to be completed:

1. Functionality & Devsite Testing

There are two separate testing procedures which requires you to follow. Both testing procedures are independent with each other, which means you can start whichever testing procedure first without affecting the other. These are the testing procedures:

Functionality Testing - Durianpay Sandbox Testing

This testing procedure will be the one in which your implementation of Durianpay APIs will be tested. There will be negative and positive test cases which you need to handle to pass functionality testing. Please only fill the test cases for the APIs which you are planning to integrate. For detailed instructions, please refer to the following guidelines

Functionality Testing Template: Form Functionality Testing

  • Where to test?
  • How to get the credentials for functionality test?
    • Please use the Sandbox Credentials for Functionality Testing, which you can get from Durianpay’s sandbox dashboard
    • You will also need to setup public key & private key pair internally which is mentioned in API docs and share the public key to Durianpay’s team with encrypted file & password sent via 2 separate channel.
  • What are the test cases which I need to test? and where should I fill the result? •
  • How do I simulate each test cases?
    • You can submit each API using sandbox API Keys with the pre-defined request, which you can get from the functionality testing form. Specifically:
      1. Request Header: Can refer to the request sample / notes.
        1. The X-External ID will help to simulate the case of functional test.
        2. X-SIGNATURE: Merchant generated based on Signature formula in API docs
        3. Authorization: Merchant generated by hitting B2B Access Token with sandbox credentials
        4. X-TIMESTAMP: Merchant generated
        5. X-PARTNER-ID: Sandbox Credentials in sandbox dashboard: X-ClientKey
        6. X-EXTERNAL-ID: Merchant generated
        7. CHANNEL-ID: Default Value based on API Doc
      2. Request body: Can refer to the request sample/ API documentation
    • What information should be shown in the capture of request and response? •
      • Request
        1. Endpoint: Sandbox URL of API you will implement ▪ ex: https://api-sandbox.durianpay.id/v1.0/emoney/account-inquiry
        2. Method: HTTP Method i.e. POST, GET, etc.
        3. Headers: Full Header request of the transaction ▪ X-TIMESTAMP, X-SIGNATURE, X-PARTNER-ID, X-EXTERNAL-ID, CHANNEL-ID, Authorization
        4. Body: Respective body of the API you will implement •
      • Response
      • HTTP Code & Message
      • Content of Response
        • Response Code
        • Response Message
        • Any Response field that’s given by the API
    • Where should I submit the document once finished with the testing?
    • What should I do after submitting the functionality test?
      • Durianpay team will check the result of your functional testing and give feedback if any. If it’s all fine, Durianpay team will inform you through the email used to send the functionality test

Devsite Testing

This testing procedure will be conducted by Bank Indonesia/ ASPI (Asosiasi Sistem Pembayaran Indonesia), where you need to simulate the APIs you wanted to integrate on their website.
We suggest you to start devsite testing before doing functionality testing. Since the testing will be done only in ASPI website’s simulator, hence you are not required to develop anything before starting with the test.

SNAP Dev-Site testing will be performed in ASPI website: ASPI API Portal Dev

For each of the API that will be implemented by the merchant, at least 1 positive case and 1 negative case must be simulated and submitted for verification purpose.

Setup Devsite Testing Account

  1. If you’re a new user, you need to create a new account in ASPI website : https://apidevportal.aspi-indonesia.or.id/sign-up
    • Fill all required details
    • Accept Terms and Conditions
  2. After creating an account in ASPI website, you will need to send e-mail to [email protected] cc [email protected] & [email protected] & [email protected] for account activation. Sample Email:
    • Subject: Request for Account Activation for Testing on the ASPI Portal
    • Email Body Example:
      Dear BI SNAP/ASPI Team, We are writing to request the activation of our accounts for testing purposes on the ASPI portal, to facilitate our integration with the Durianpay SNAP AP Please kindly find the following email addresses that has been registered on the ASPI Portal to be activated: [registered email address]
      We appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and look forward to your positive response. Thank you for your assistance.

Create Devsite Application Request

  1. After your login has been verified, in the header section of your account, press your account id, there will be “Request Aplikasi Pengujian” (Testing Application Request).

    • Application Name: Durianpay SNAP

    • Description: 50 characters explaning what application you will be building using Durianpay SNAP

    • Select Category/Kategor according to your circumstances (In most cases you will apply for category 2):

      • Open API Developer SNAP-based payments from Service Providers and/or prospective Service Providers. (Category 1)
      • Open API Developer SNAP-based payments from Service Users and/or potential Service Users. (Category 2)
      • Developer of systems, applications and/or devices used in SNAP-based Open API Payments. (Category 3)
    • Once you created Testing Application request, there will be waiting time for your request to be activated (D+1 working days).

Testing in Devsite Environment

  1. Once the application is activated, you can start to test the API from the website, by going to Client Simulator menu by clicking your account id in the ASPI website header. (https://apidevportal.aspi-indonesia.or.id/clientsimulator)

  2. We recommend you to test using Safari browser as there's a known issue on cross origin restriction that will create indefinite loading when you submit the test. Please setup your safari browser with following settings:

    1. Enable Developer Menu:
      a. Open Safari
      b. Select Safari from the menu bar
      c. Select Settings
      d. Click Advanced
      e. Enable the Show features for web developers

    2. Setup Configuration in Safari Developer Menu:

      • Enable Security:Disable cross-origin restriction
  3. Fill required field related to the API request that you are planning to integrate with. For each API you integrate with, you are required to provide at least 1 positive case and 1 negative case.

    • Example on Balance Inquiry
      • Service Name: Balance Inquiry
      • URI: https://api-sandbox.durianpay.id/v1.0/balance-inquiry
      • HTTP Method: POST
      • Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJEdXJpYW4gTW9uZXkiLCJleHAiOjE3MzA5NTYxODgsImlhdCI6MTczMDk1NTI4OCwibWVyY2hhbnRfaWQiOiJtZXJfOFBLbDJXRUtwdjgwMjAiLCJncmFudF90eXBlIjoiY2xpZW50X2NyZWRlbnRpYWxzIiwiY2xpZW50X2tleSI6Imc2MVRTaW5TZnkwMzY2In0.aYZGQOXw4MW43_3oMnacNGUFhxGDJvvTjd00e4psznk
      • X-TIMESTAMP: 2024-11-07T11:58:58+07:00
      • X-SIGNATURE: 3x4vm5EKiWdWT25O2Fzmn1dGbfLQgsGHm2cSqS6PtVMelJWRLVKIndY3bd9U3pCTwR4yXRVkmmwRL3ernhAd1w==
      • X-PARTNER-ID: aQedRFbb
      • X-EXTERNAL-ID: 2000001
      • CHANNEL-ID: 95521
      • Body: {"accountNo": "7382382957893840"}
  4. In the header, click your account id, you can see history of your testing in “Aktivitas Aplikasi Pengujian”/Application Testing Activity, here you can view, download and delete the API testing result that you have done.

  5. For SNAP Verification submission, please download all of request and response API that you integrate with at least one positive case and one negative case – with following format:

    • Service Name – Positive –
    • Service Name – Negative -
  6. After performing all the testing needed and downloaded all the Service request and response via ASPI Portal, you can send the documents (via cloud drive link or file attachment) to [email protected]

2. Durianpay Verification of Functionality & Devsite Document

After you’ve done the testing, you need to submit several documents which then will be reviewed by Durianpay. The following are the documents which you need to submit:

  1. Functionality Testing Statement Letter / Berita Acara Functionality Testing
  2. Result of Devsite Testing
  3. Result of Functional Testing

Please submit these forms / testing result by email to [email protected]. Durianpay will provide feedback within 1-5 working days.

In case by cases basis, we will allow the merchant to go live (Live Credentials given) as long as verification from Durianpay is done while additional submission to ASPI will be done in parallel.

3. Durianpay Submit all of documents for ASPI Approval

Once your documents have been received and there is no pending feedback remaining, Durianpay will then share a confirmation via email that the documents will then be given to ASPI/BI for further assessment. ASPI will then provide feedback to you (if there are any) through Durianpay, which will be sent via the same email. Generally ASPI will provider feedback within 5 working days from the time of submission.

4. Go Live with Durianpay SNAP

Once ASPI/BI have verified and approved your application, Durianpay will then share a confirmation via email regarding the same and you will be able to get your LIVE environment keys from Durianpay’s dashboard. Then, You can use the respective keys to start accepting transaction with Durianpay in LIVE environment!