No Code Pay Outs
Durianpay provide No Code Pay Outs solution using our built-in dashboard. With Durianpay dashboard merchant can send pay out without having any integration, as simple as upload – approve and disburse. Recipient will also get notification via email and/or WhatsApp in real-time if the pay out is success.
Pay Outs Flow
Process Flow
- Maker/Approver send funds via bank transfer according to top-up instruction on the dashboard
- Create disbursement: Maker creates disbursement entries (batch transactions).
- Approve disbursements: Approver act as funds keeper who can either reject or approve disbursement request.
- Funds disbursed: Only upon approval of disbursement request, we disburse funds to all recipients as per the request via provider.
- Status notification: Whenever disbursement is completed successfully, the recipient will also get the notification on the transaction.
Updated 3 months ago